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Rex Ryan 89's Blog
Dublin, Earthling.
Mind Dumps on life.
Interests: Films. Books. Theatre. Boxing. Self optimisation. Debate.
Recent Activity
LETS HAVE REX EP.11 & 12! iTunes and Soundcloud links. Continue reading
LETS HAVE REX EP.9 w/ Kate Gilmore - Actor, writer, friend! Continue reading
LETS HAVE REX EP.5 w/ Karl Shiels . . . Continue reading
EP.4 of LETS HAVE REX goes LIVE w/ Noel Reid Rugby King Continue reading
LETS HAVE REX EP.2 w/ Keith Barry; A Student Of The Human Mind Continue reading
And like the mother of Christ despite popular belief - under the sheets I was weak. Continue reading
It's a bank holiday Monday. The coffee mothership has docked into Base Command; stomach and I feel the need to take a dump, not of the Thomas Crapper variety but of the cerebral ilk. Continue reading
Are our heroes incredible souls who are then hi-jacked by ' THE MEN ' because they know the power of a voice? Continue reading
My Best Friend; An Amazonian Horned Frog, Fat, Churchill-like A green substitute for my lack of a dog. Continue reading
I have the Tony Robbins, Jay-Z, Warren Buffet All-American-never-stop, you-can-achieve-anything, keep grinding young king(!) mentality pre conditioned into my cerebral cortex from growing up in modern Ireland. Continue reading
Big brother lies on hospital bed Legs tired arms dead. Continue reading
Winnie The Pooh That yellow ball of honey That fat round rotund Lover of all that's sunny; Continue reading
Today I received a gift For Free. On the Boardwalk While eating from my lunchbox I see. Continue reading
Something i've realised over the last year in doing loads of plays and performances and endless rehearsals, is that everything we do is a creative act. in creativity, it's as important to listen to a sci-fi audio book in the bath eating a Turkish Delight as it is to sit down and write for five hours. Continue reading
It's Friday. You've been Spartan in your self discipline during the week. You are Tyson, Mayweather, McGregor... You are absolutely starving. Here's how I feel when I step into the CHIPPER- Continue reading
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May 8, 2017