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Ryan A Wunderlich
Boise, ID
Recent Activity
Network Printers not Showing In Plot Dialog when on VPN
Issue: You are able to print fine when in the office, but over VPN those printers do not show up in the plot dialog box: Causes: This problem can be caused by the VPN connection and not being able to resolve to the DNS shortname of the printer Solution: Install... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2020 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
Civil 3D 2021.1 Known Defect with Prospector and Settings buttons
Civil 3D 2021.1 Known Defect with Prospector and Settings buttons Issue: You have updated Civil 3D 2021 with the 2021.1 Update and have clicked on the Prospector or Settings buttons in the ribbon and cannot get the tabs to reappear in your Toolspace when clicking on them again (they have... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2020 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
Wipeouts plotting as black when used in Styles in Civil 3D 2021
Issue: You have styles set up with Wipeout objects that have plotted correctly until Civil 3D 2021. Those objects now plot black (and the wipeout is not honored), when using the built-in AutoCAD PDF drivers (DWG to PDF.pc3 and AutoCAD to PDF (various flavors here).pc3 files) Causes: This is a... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2020 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
CTB or STB not used when publishing, but plots single sheets correctly
Issue: You received a drawing from an outside consultant\vendor\resource and have saved the CTB (or STB) of their plotting standards to the same location as the DWG you are opening and it will plot correctly, but when publishing, the plot styles are not honored. You can also Fatal Error AutoCAD... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2020 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
AutoCAD Based Products Autosave files appear to be missing
AutoCAD Based Products Autosave files appear to be missing Issue: Your Autosave is turned on (and you see it triggering), but when you browse to the location (generally your Windows Profile Temp Folder, unless you have changed it). You may see some .BAK files but may not see the sv$... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2020 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
AutoCAD Based Products File Save Process Explained in Detail
During a save here are all the steps that occur. If any of these are interrupted, the process will fail and will give unusual errors, or cause slow behaviors. In this example, the AutoCAD Temporary Drawing Location is set to C:\ACAD Save Drawing named Test DWG.dwg is located here: D:\Downloads\Test... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2020 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
AutoCAD Based Products not plotting or fatal error when plotting
AutoCAD Based Products not plotting or fatal error when plotting Issue: You updated Windows 10 (or updates were run) and when going to plot to certain devices it either fails to plot or causes a fatal error to occur in your AutoCAD based Software Causes: This problem is caused by... Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2020 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
DACH & ISYBAU Extension Causing Issues in Civil 3D
Issue: You have unusual errors on Civil 3D and/or you notice the command line is showing command or information in German Language. Typical Errors may include inability to save the file once you make changes, crashing or errors with Survey Databases, inability to correctly display point styles in point groups,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2020 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
How to add fonts to macOS for AutoCAD / AutoCAD LT
Issue: You need to add custom True Type Fonts (TTF) to your macOS and are unsure how to do this properly, and want your drawings in AutoCAD/LT for MAC to look like your drawings in AutoCAD/LT in Windows Solution: Please be aware that the macOS may not support compound TTF... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2020 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
How to extract or remove Custom BMP icons from a CUIX
Issue: You have a Custom or Enterprise CUIX file, and you have custom button icons in it that the source BMP files have gone missing or you have Custom Button icons that you don't want to use, and want to remove them from the CUIX file. Causes: This is because... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2020 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
That's all controlled by Location numbers. If I dock my command line at the top, the values from the bold section stay correct, but the location is updated to Location="418,169". That I believe is what you are looking for.
Command Line Will Not Stay Docked
Issue: You dock the command line at the bottom of your AutoCAD session and after a reboot it reverts back to the new style (it's no longer docked) Causes: This problem is usually an issue with custom profiles (.arg files), When you re-open AutoCAD after a reboot, it's reverting back to the out ...
Civil 3D Transformation Settings Altered After Save and Close
Issue: You have added Transformation settings in your Civil 3D drawing, and after saving and re-opening the drawing the settings have not been save and have been changed to different values. Current Settings (in 2018): After opening in 2019-2021: Notice how the Transformation settings are not held from the saved... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2020 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
How to Uninstall and Reinstall C++ Libraries
Issue: You are having issues with your Autodesk software and believe the issue may be corrupted C++ libraries or indications are showing that is the issue. Causes: This can be caused by a number factors, but usually the best way to correct it is to uninstall and reinstall all the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2020 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
Uninstalling Autodesk Software Made Easy
You've run into a situation where you need to uninstall and reinstall your Autodesk software. These step outline how to uninstall Autodesk software the easy way. These instructions apply for Autodesk 2015 software and newer. Locate the Autodesk uninstall Tool (should be under Start => Programs =>Autodesk): Click to launch... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2017 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
Switching Licensing when moving from Suites to Collections
You updated and converted your old Maintenance Suites to Subscription Collections and want to know how to change the licensing over to the new serial numbers/product keys. For Multi-user (i.e. Network Seats): This one is fairly straight forward, and requires very little effort. Update the license file on the server... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2017 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
License Borrowing with Multi-User Collections
So you've either switched to Autodesk Collections (Autodesk Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection, Autodesk Product Design & Manufacturing Collection, or Autodesk Media & Entertainment Collection) from a Suite or bought new ones and need to know how license borrowing works with the collections. License borrowing is different with the collections... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2017 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
Tips to Improve Performance in AutoCAD and AutoCAD Based Products
If you are experiencing lag and /or performance issues while using AutoCAD or it's vertical based products, try the settings below to increase some of the performance and remove some of the program overhead. WHIPTHREAD=3 VTENABLE = 0 SELECTIONPREVIEW = 2 or 0 (I have mine set to 0 normally)... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2017 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
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