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Roger McCarthy
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Missed this when it was first posted but have to say a belated thanks for this post.
Been much preoccupied by death myself lately and
I already knew four of those texts (the Lewis's and the Trollope and I have to say even the Richard Adams - which your Disneyschmerz comment is so spot on about - as well) which have all meant a lot to me.
I did once know the Shakespeare but only because I used to work in Staines and I had quite forgotten the hostess bit.
Never encountered the de Beauvoir or the Housman though.
Bleak though they are these fragments are what we have to shore against our ruins...
2016 on its death bed
As the old year of 2016 is now dying, here are some of my favourite pieces of writing about death. This came to mind because of the very recent death of Richard Adams. The death scene which ends Watership Down – well, there must be a German word which describes knowing something is sentimental, ...
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May 18, 2017
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