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Simon Says Stamp/February Card Kit/You're My Favorite
Hello Crafty Friends, Today's card is from the February card kit by Simon Says Stamp called FAVORITE PERSON. I cased the card. The original design was created by Heather Hoffman. Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2018 at Magenta Butterfly Crafts
Great Haul!!!
Haul & Giveaway & SALE Info!
Happy weekend! I had tried getting this up earlier but after the camera battery issues there were tech issues with my blog provider (one thing after another lately...). Anywho - first off there's SALE info: There is a Copic SALE: Shop COPIC at Simon Says Stamp <-------click! and save 25% with ...
Great haul!!
Random Haul(s) & GIVEAWAY!
Hello everyone! I was able to get away last week for a little vacation with the kids (it's been years since we've been able to do anything), so now I'm back to catching up on so many things, and more's added to the "to-do list" (as usual LOL). This "haul" being one of them. It's actually several...
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Jul 14, 2017
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