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Tana Weekes
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To understand the struggles that reporters face in South Sudan we must first understand how South Sudan came to be. South Sudan was created six years after the Second Sudanese War which occurred because the central government attempted to regulate and exploit the undeveloped Southerners and Inland Sudanese people. Now that the South Sudanese people have been liberated a free and open media would be ideal after they were oppressed. According to Freedom House President Kiir of South Sudan signed three media bills that were created to establish a press, set up public broadcasters and were supposed to facilitate easy... Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2017 at Global Media News
To truly understand the problems of censorship in Africa, Ethiopia to be specific you need to look at who the media is geared towards reaching, who owns those media outlets and what their agendas are. For Ethiopia to have the second largest population while also holding the title of the oldest independent country in Africa. For a country to be so large without a relatively open media market is restrictive to the growth of Ethiopia. Especially since most Ethiopians live in rural areas having Radio as there main medium.The Ethiopian media environment is one of the most restrictive in the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2017 at Global Media News
Nigeria’s media has a vast amount of media outlets that have no problem criticizing unpopular government decisions and any issue that is seen unfair or unjust however, journalist find themselves unable to effectively make change and go after highly notable political issue. This is due financial malpractice from the powerful or even terrorism. Nigeria’s media influence is vast and their media scene is one of the liveliest in Africa all 36 states run at least one radio network and TV station. Radio is the key source of information while both radio and TV are operated at a federal and regional... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2017 at Global Media News
Chad is a nation whose constitution allows for both freedom of press and expression. However citizens are having their voices and rights oppressed routinely by authorities through the use of threats and legal prosecution. Chad's main medium is state controlled radio that allows for few opposing views. Radio licenses are granted by the HCC, which are subject to strong influence by the government and is also said to monitor and control radio content. Permission from the prosecutor’s office, the High Council of Communication (HCC), and the Ministry of Commerce are also required before establishing a newspaper. The NGO Amnesty International... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2017 at Global Media News
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Sep 12, 2017