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El Fredo
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Hi Chelsea,
regardint the period after the DOI. APA explicitly mentions that there should be not period after the DOI, which makes perfectly sense to aviod confusion.
I wonder why so many journals still place a period after the DOI. some journals even seem to have no consistent handling of this matter, so you can find publications wehere some references, ending with a DOI, are terminated with a period after the DOI while others (same paper) do not. This is a mess;-)
Do you have an Idea why this is handled that sloppy by many journals?
Best wishes
Punctuating the Reference List Entry
by Chelsea Lee The basic APA Style reference list entry follows a familiar pattern: It can be divided up into four parts (author, date, title, and source), and each of these parts is separated from the others by punctuation. The following post shows in more detail how this process works and a...
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Sep 14, 2017
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