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When I arrived to China, I was surprised to hear that all CIEE students who needed to get a residence permit would need to partake in a group physical. I had thought that the visa process would be much like the American way, with lots of paperwork but loose health... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2018 at Gap Year Abroad Blog
I had a few reasons for taking a gap year: 1. I had worked very hard in high school and needed a break 2. I was interested in learning a language 3. I wanted to learn how to live on my own but I'm not sure I really knew what... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2018 at Gap Year Abroad Blog
Here in Shanghai, although I have friends, teachers, and a Chinese host family, I am ultimately on my own. I can choose to leave the house in the middle of the night to go get a snack or early in the morning to take a day trip, or I can... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2017 at Gap Year Abroad Blog
I love bubble tea! Also called boba, this sweet, chewy, delicious drink originated in Taiwan and has spread worldwide, although it is still not as readily available in America as I would like it to be. :(But in Shanghai, boba stands are everywhere! You can pick up a medium iced... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2017 at Gap Year Abroad Blog
This past week, during our week of vacation, CIEE took its students to one of three locations: Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Gausu Province. I chose to go to Taiwan, so early last Saturday morning, I found myself on a plane with 22 other CIEE students bound for Taipei! In total,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2017 at Gap Year Abroad Blog
Hi! I’m Allana and I’m currently in Shanghai learning Mandarin as my gap year! I designed my gap year to be a “breather” year between high school and college: a time for me to take a break from the stress and bustle of school. Even though learning Chinese and immersing... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2017 at Gap Year Abroad Blog
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Sep 19, 2017