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Jennifer K
Recent Activity
This week marks the birthdays of two of the greatest contemporary children’s authors; Dav Pilkey and Mem Fox. In celebration, I thought I would reminisce on the good times where my family was engrossed with these two fabulous authors. To set the stage: Two rambunctious kids run around a not-so-tidy... Continue reading
Dr. Seuss was born on March 2, which got me to remembering: Like most kids of the eighties, my mother used Dr. Seuss books to teach me how to read. I desperately tried to dye my eggs green (don’t get me started on the ham), was well versed in interloper... Continue reading
Happy New Year’s everyone! Like most working parents, my New Year’s resolutions tend to revolve around being a better, more present parent. Ergo, my resolutions tend to fall along the lines of “get more sleep,” “try not to drink more than three cups of coffee a day,” and “get more... Continue reading
There is no better way to talk about the best food ever than to begin with Loris Lesynski’s wise words: “Nothing beats a pizza When you’re in a pizza mood Because a pizza isn’t anything Like any other food!” That’s right, everyone: PIZZA MONTH IS HERE! Like most kids, mine... Continue reading
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Oct 14, 2017