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William O'Reilly
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Facts have to matter in campaigns, and it is a verified fact that County Executive Rob Astorino has never raised the county property tax levy -- for seven, going on eight straight years (Politifact link below.) When Mr. Astorino came into office in 2010, the tax levy -- what taxpayers have to pay the county -- was $560 million. It is $548 million today, 2% less over seven years. That's a fact. Any increases in tax bills come from increased STATE taxes, which Senator Latimer well knows. Every year, Albany, using one if its classic arcane "equalization formulas," shifts the percentage of tax dollars assigned to various parts of our bills. That's why people will see fluctuations. Again, Senator Latimer knows this, but he's unfortunately chosen to disseminate patently false misinformation for political gain. It is indisputable that Rob Astorino has held the line on taxes, just as he promised to. Please see Politifact below for independent verification. Sincerely, William F.B. O'Reilly Spokesman, Friends of Rob Astorino
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Oct 25, 2017