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Arlene Foster
University of Cincinnati
Recent Activity
Trevor and I have been diligently working on our presentation. We’re still gathering information from our surveys. We’re feeling pretty confident on how it’s coming together, even though we still have a lot to do. Our next steps are wrapping up the slides and scheduling the client presentation and then we can wrap up the final report. We will have to present to our client through Web-Ex or Skype since he is base in Colorado. Knowing our deadlines aren’t concrete helps to relieve some of the pressure, but we plan to stick to them as much as possible. I’m getting... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Trevor and I are still gathering data in order to pull our presentation together. We’ve had some challenges, just like everyone else, but I’m confident it will all fall into place. I’m expecting these last two weeks to be a little hectic. Therefore, I’m excited and a little anxious to present our recommendations to our client. Hopefully, Robbie will see that we have his best interest at heart and the recommendations are well received. Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Trevor and I had our review with Drew, which I felt went very well. I believe we are on track and headed in the right direction. The feedback from Drew was a real confidence booster considering this journey has been such a roller coaster ride. Now, we are in a place to actually appreciate the thrill and hard work as we see the fruits of our labor come to fruition. We are in the process of wrapping up our deliverables and then we can start on our recommendations, which for me will be the exciting part of the project. Having... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Last week was Spring Break and although I was still physically on campus, my brain was on break. A part of me regrets that we didn’t get very much accomplished, but the other part believes the down time was very much needed. Trevor and I were finally able to meet up with each other and we’re back in the saddle. We felt rejuvenated and ideas were flowing. We still have a few struggles, but hopefully those will be resolved once we have our review with Drew. Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
I feel like we’re on a road trip with this project. We hit the road and were making pretty good time, but then we ran into a few road blocks and detours. Thanks to Drew our GPS, we’ve been able to reroute in order to stay on track. Right now, we’re still working on our surveys and segmentation deliverable. We had to scrap one of the deliverables because it didn’t make sense for the type of business our client has. The one constant that we’ve had is that our client is always very cooperative and that is extremely helpful. At... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Working on the Capstone project is somewhat like being at an amusement park. I’m thrilled about the relationship and communications that I have with Trevor and our client but trying to make sure we’re following through and processing the correct information for our deliverables has been a little bit like a roller coaster ride. One minute I’m ecstatic about the direction we’re headed and then the next minute, I feel like I’m careening downhill and my stomach is sinking. At other times, I feel as if I’m on a merry go round, going in circles and trying to stay focused.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Working on the competitive matrix was a little disappointing because only one of our client’s competitors decided to cooperate. However, I was able to extract a few facts from the internet regarding one of the other competitors. At this point I will have to make it work with what I have. In the meantime, Trevor and I have consulted with one another in order to stay on track with tackling the next set of deliverables. I feel like our next deliverables, Market Opportunity Analysis and Segmentation Analysis are going to be the meat of the project and set the tone... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Trevor and I had our review with Drew and our client meeting this week. The comparative feedback from the two meetings was interesting. Drew felt I was jumping the gun by discussing a few solution ideas that I had, while our client was ecstatic to hear about my connection and the possible recommendations. We have also been working on our deliverables. Trevor is tackling the qualitative and quantitative aspects of Customer Market Research, while I’m preparing the Competitive Matrix. Working on this could possibly be a tad difficult due to the fact that our client’s major competitors are privately own... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
I’m glad we had an opportunity to meet as a class and to hear about the various projects, perspectives and approaches. The exercises we did in class were very insightful. They really helped me to broaden the scope on how we should focus on the products and services offered by our client. This week we are preparing for our first project review. I’m looking forward to getting some feedback, but I’m a little nervous as well. In addition, I was excited to finally hear back from the business prospect, who confirmed that I was on the right track with my... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Working on our Charter made me realize there are so many deliverables and so little time. And, I’m not completely sure we’re covering all of the areas that will be most beneficial to our client. This week, I felt as though time literally zipped by in the blink of an eye. I experienced so many outside distractions and I was not as focused as I had hoped. That was bothersome to me because I know that time management needs to be top of mind. On the other hand, I made a little bit of progress. I finally touched base with... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
The starter pistol has been fired and we’re out of the starting blocks. The gravity of this project began to really set in as Trevor and I worked on our Charter. This is not typical of the many marketing projects I have previously worked on, which were basically hypothetical. This is real life and I believe it will have an impact on our lives. Working on this Capstone project will provide a great opportunity to hone our skills and test our abilities. It will also enable many of us to zero in on which areas of Marketing are best suited... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Nearly twenty years had passed when I decided to re-enter the world of higher education. My initial goal was to complete my bachelors and now, I’m approaching the finish line where I will have earned a MS-Marketing degree. It’s been a long, challenging, yet exciting journey and I can tell the thrills will continue during our Capstone class. I think I’m excited about the course and the project because I believe it will be a stepping stone and a powerful tool for future possibilities. My partner Trevor and I had our initial interview with our client Robbie O’Brien of O’Brien... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
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Jan 9, 2018