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Van Nguyen
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So we are nearly there. The capstone project is going till the end of it. We are gathering the last pieces of data and deliver it to our clients. We have run the second survey and got some real valuable feedbacks for now. It mainly focus on examining the brand strength and go further to the relation of digital use and impulse purchase. I've done the initial analysis and got some interesting insights in hand. It's quite a journey as we don't know where the data would lead us to. In this phase, I found the brand assessment more fascinating... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
So we are down to the next stage of the project as we are getting close to the finish line. The first phase with several qualitative surveys have opened up a new border of knowledge. We started the survey with a broad gate that allows us to understand the whole context of how life habits, attitudes, brand awareness, and daily online activities might interact with others. It's not all about a particular product. One type of purchase apparently happens to everybody and can be related to several products. Therefore, we can make the connection and form the customer journey thoroughly... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Several interviews were conducted in the previous week. I tried to reach out to all the contacts that I could, who are within out research target. In overall, the survey turned out pretty good. I found it very important to create a open environment to make the interviewee more relaxing to think and tell the stories. Because the research question are focused more in subconcious train of thoughts, it is not easy for the interviews to immediately recall thoughts and feelings. Furthermore, I had to keep myself open and carry out interviews as normal conversations. When I got used to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
During the last week, we finalized our first interview outline. We will do qualitative face to face interviews and via Qualtrics. The target is to reach collect 20 interviews in total. I understand that each interview opportunities is very precious and even give us more out of expected insights. As what we learn in the customer insights class, any AHA! moment might reveal a whole new world! The previous week went pretty slow so we will have to do a lot more in this week, with a submission of first phase report on 2nd March. It seems to be last... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
We had another meeting with Kyl earlier this week. It went pretty well. We both agree to set our concentration a few aspects of the project in overall and come up with the direction for the first phase. A change in the project is the geographical base is only in the US and millennials, which means we don't have to spread ourselves too thin but bring about higher quality of data. We aim at getting interesting insights or 'aha!'moment regarding impulse buys, related digital use and the brand perception as well. At this first phase, qualitative interviews, observation and secondary... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
We are preparing for another meeting with our client next week. As per work plan, we had prepared the proposal for the first phase of the project. This meeting will mainly focus on what we would do on the next stage. I feel quite pressured at this moment as my client representative - Kyl who is professional and detail-oriented, plus my teammate can not join the meeting. However, trying to make the best preparation as possible, I just hope that everything will be okay. Our project includes qualitative research including ethnographic method. I made some trip to Kroger doing observations... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
In overall, last week was a real swing. Our team has a meeting and we both have to deal with ambiguity to find what to do next. Our project direction was slightly shifted, therefore, we have to change our work plan accordingly. Though we both agree to carry out only qualitative research but we found quantitative survey will help. A broader scope means the challenges is getting tougher. We face several limits in time, budget, resources so to find out the project subjects to focus on is a must in order to bring out better data quality. They should be... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
The past week set a foundation for the project as we finished the Charter. It's totally useful helping us navigating the direction of the whole project. The fog has been cleared little by little as we step forwards. We are eager to know our client's feedback and continue working on further phase. There's lots of work to be done at the same time. It's very important learning how to set all my spontaneous questions aside and rearrange my thoughts as the work goes on. My mind was freed up gradually, staying away from being overwhelmed with frustration. Dianne offered great... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
So here I am on the Capstone journey. It's still hard to believe looking back and see how much I've learned and changed in just 6 months staying in the US. Nothing better than the feeling of working on something I really want to. Nothing more anxious than diving in the sea of ambiguity while all I have is a belief. The Capstone project begun and I was back to the track with a mix of excitement and nervourness. Heard of Barefoot Proximity previously, I'm so glad that I have the chance to work with them. Back to the project,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
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Jan 9, 2018