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Angelic Salyer Veasman
Recent Activity
I so agree, "A longing to live it fuller...dive into it deeper." I've begun recently reflecting as well. My goal this year is to go deeper, not wider. No new hobbies, projects, or books this year. Instead, I want to find the value in what I already own or the enjoyment of finishing the projects I’ve already started. To improve my skills rather than learn new ones. To watch the movies and listen to the music I've already stockpiled instead of acquiring more. To read the unread books or reread favorites. To practice the guitar. To write more. To pick up the camera again.
Toggle Commented Feb 9, 2018 on The Eternal Voyage at French la Vie
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Angelic Salyer Veasman is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 9, 2018