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Medicine is Weird
The COVID-19 pandemic has put medicine at the forefront of most conversations. Simultaneously it has left non-science minded folks like myself trying to catch up on the never ending debates over science vs. pseudoscience. On my journey to educate myself, I discovered a few curiosity-piquing books on medical misconceptions that... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2022 at Health and Wellness Blog
Mom, formerly Momma
This Mother's Day, I'd like to acknowledge the mental health roller coaster that happens when becoming a new mom. Somewhat like a job promotion, I don't think you can truly appreciate the role of being a mom until you're actually in it. In this blog I'll take a panoramic view... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2022 at Health and Wellness Blog
Thanks Jenn!
Plant Parenting
Who doesn't love a green, leafy houseplant? I recently took my love of houseplants to the next level by tattooing a sentimental Heart-Leaf Philodendron on my forearm. My husband's grade one teacher gave each of her students a single leaf cutting of their classroom plant and he (with my help) has...
Plant Parenting
Who doesn't love a green, leafy houseplant? I recently took my love of houseplants to the next level by tattooing a sentimental Heart-Leaf Philodendron on my forearm. My husband's grade one teacher gave each of her students a single leaf cutting of their classroom plant and he (with my help)... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2022 at Health and Wellness Blog
World Diabetes Day 2021
World Diabetes Day (WDD) is on November 14, 2021. According to the WDD's website, the campaign is marked annually on November 14 for the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting who co-discovered insulin along with Charles Best over 100 years ago in 1921. The campaign is represented by a blue circle... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2021 at Health and Wellness Blog
How to Beat The Heat
As someone who prefers cold weather, I wanted to put together a cheerful blog on ways to beat the heat this summer. The books may be a bit kooky but like a nice beach read, you're sure to delight in their pages! Here you'll find out what to wear, eat... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2021 at Health and Wellness Blog
A Guide to Self-Care
Self-care is not selfish! According to the World Health Organization, self-care is “the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.” Basically, what we do to care for ourselves... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2021 at Health and Wellness Blog
Fitness At Home
Is anyone else feeling unmotivated about doing at-home workouts during the COVID-19 pandemic? Personally, I miss the gym. I miss packing my bag, donning my overpriced workout gear and going to a fitness class where I would have a brutal workout surrounded by other competitive, sweaty humans. My dog Lennon... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2021 at Health and Wellness Blog
World Water Day: March 22, 2021
March 22 is World Water Day! Beginning in 1993, the United Nations celebrated water and helped raise awareness for the 2.2 billion people that are living without access to safe water (according to the UN's World Water Day Toolkit). This year the UN is asking us to participate in a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2021 at Health and Wellness Blog
Random Acts of Kindness Day 2021
Wednesday, February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day! I encourage you to set the intention to doing a kind act for another person, be it someone you know or a complete stranger, or even a kind act for yourself. The Kindness Book by Todd Parr According to the scientists... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2021 at Health and Wellness Blog
Weed 101
When I think about weed (also known as cannabis, marijuana, pot, etc.), I always think about the episode in Frasier when Niles unknowingly gets his father stoned. I simply had to re-watch the episode before writing this blog post and to my delight, it's a holiday episode! As a stoned,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2020 at Health and Wellness Blog
Andrea I was finally able to check out the title your sister checked out and I also loved it! I love the more accessible and honest approach to pregnancy that we are seeing in print these days, not that Heidi Murkoff and the "What To Expect" books are not also fabulous ;)
Pregnancy and the Library
For me, this is the summer of babies! There are a ton of mommies and daddies-to-be in my life so I thought why not give these folks a shout out. As a librarian, I have witnessed the natural life cycle of a library patron. Some young adults/adults forget about us until they have a baby and t...
I couldn't agree more about the conflicting information, Judy. I too try to eat whole foods and plant based for the most part, with the occasional dabble and indulgence of course. Thanks for being an advocate for our library!
A Nutritious Library
Does this New Year have you motivated to be a little more health conscious? Perhaps you are looking for ways to improve your nutrition in 2019. The library is here to help! Image Source: Wikimedia FDA Nutrition Facts Label 2016 Books I wanted to dedicate some column space to showing off the ...
Thanks Wendy, always happy to share resources to help people live (and eat!) healthier. Hopefully you discover some new favourites.
A Nutritious Library
Does this New Year have you motivated to be a little more health conscious? Perhaps you are looking for ways to improve your nutrition in 2019. The library is here to help! Image Source: Wikimedia FDA Nutrition Facts Label 2016 Books I wanted to dedicate some column space to showing off the ...
I usually don't like a gendered approach to things but she was very articulate and well researched so I had to share! Let me know what you think.
Photo from Toronto Star Photograph Archive, 1988. You may have seen in the news recently that the World Health Organization (WHO) has officially added "Burnout" to its International Classification of Diseases. As the first significant health organization to legitimize the term, the WHO define...
Let me know if you discover any new favourites techniques, Jennifer! I wish you full throated engagement at work.
Photo from Toronto Star Photograph Archive, 1988. You may have seen in the news recently that the World Health Organization (WHO) has officially added "Burnout" to its International Classification of Diseases. As the first significant health organization to legitimize the term, the WHO define...
Photo from Toronto Star Photograph Archive, 1988. You may have seen in the news recently that the World Health Organization (WHO) has officially added "Burnout" to its International Classification of Diseases. As the first significant health organization to legitimize the term, the WHO defines burnout as: "a syndrome conceptualized as... Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2019 at Health and Wellness Blog
National Salad Month
Happy National Salad Month! Personally, I think national salad month is a perfect opportunity to celebrate the end of winter and, dare I say it, turn over a new leaf... Leafy Greens So let's all raise a fork to the mighty and modern salad. And no, I'm not talking about... Continue reading
Posted May 14, 2019 at Health and Wellness Blog
It's an important subject matter than often gets overlooked in the preparation for travelling. Glad it was useful to you!
Travel and Your Health
Do you have wanderlust on the brain this summer? Then this post if for you! Perhaps for some of us, traveling is a break, a vacation, from our otherwise healthy and wellness-focused lifestyle. We indulge in a few adult beverages, we forget about our healthy eating habits and we don't even pack...
Day trips sounds like a great opportunity for travel, enjoy Lucas!
Travel and Your Health
Do you have wanderlust on the brain this summer? Then this post if for you! Perhaps for some of us, traveling is a break, a vacation, from our otherwise healthy and wellness-focused lifestyle. We indulge in a few adult beverages, we forget about our healthy eating habits and we don't even pack...
It seems like every time I turn on the news lately, there is an article, post, tweet or podcast on the topic of vaccines. More accurately, the rapid spread of vaccine-preventable diseases and the arguments for and against immunizations. As a disclaimer to this hot button topic, the Library is... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2019 at Health and Wellness Blog
A Nutritious Library
Does this New Year have you motivated to be a little more health conscious? Perhaps you are looking for ways to improve your nutrition in 2019. The library is here to help! Image Source: Wikimedia FDA Nutrition Facts Label 2016 Books I wanted to dedicate some column space to showing... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2019 at Health and Wellness Blog
Thanks for voicing your concern Jemo. This program will be held in the [enclosed] program room at Forest Hill branch so as to minimize exposure to any scent sensitive patrons.
So I jumped on the aromatherapy band wagon and bought my first diffuser last week. There is something about a burning candle (my go to relaxation technique) that didn't seem safe in the chaos of renovations with dust flying around, contractors in and out of the house, and where I have to wear sh...
Thanks for sharing Jennifer!
So I jumped on the aromatherapy band wagon and bought my first diffuser last week. There is something about a burning candle (my go to relaxation technique) that didn't seem safe in the chaos of renovations with dust flying around, contractors in and out of the house, and where I have to wear sh...
So I jumped on the aromatherapy band wagon and bought my first diffuser last week. There is something about a burning candle (my go to relaxation technique) that didn't seem safe in the chaos of renovations with dust flying around, contractors in and out of the house, and where I... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2018 at Health and Wellness Blog
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