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Teresa Mills
Arlington Virginia
I love Halloween, experimenting with cooking, and tarot.
Interests: tarot, oracle cards, cooking, spiritualism, crystals, halloween
Recent Activity
This sounds like fun. One of the best ways I found to learn tarot was comparing and contrasting different decks. Being that I am a big fan of Tales from the Crypt, which watching these episodes got me through a recent event in my life, I am also a fan of the Twisted Tarot seeing various twists of fate right in the card. Most I instantly get, a few I do not probably because I am not familiar with the comic they are based on, but that is fun exploring that too. Of course Tales of the Crypt shows were based on horror comics, so it would make sense that I love this deck. The Snowland Tarot is a winter wonderland, so yes they are quite different in theme, look, and energy. Should be fun to see them side by side and see how they might be similar even though they are so different. I am looking forward to your Sweet and Sour Tarot blog. This is a year where I have to be super careful with money, but Don bought me this deck as a happy birthday (August), anniversary (October), and Christmas present. Thank you Don. I anxiously await its arrival as well. Seriously could a person who got married on Halloween in a black dress and who is a little dark and twisty and loves Tales from the Crypt not get this deck? I followed it all through its development, just like I did the Snowland. I think decks where you get to comment on them in development and be apart of that are the most fun, and James and Christine did include us in that process. Christine even gave me a link to watch one episode that one of the cards was based on. Although this brilliant deck is not my creation in any way, I feel apart of it, and quite frankly that is a motivator to purchase as well as both Twisted Tales and the Snowland Tarot each include 78 or more little masterpieces of art and are both are unique, and fun. Great idea, Janet!
The All Hallows Tarot also has a Happy Squirrel card
Toggle Commented Dec 8, 2015 on Happy Squirrels in Tarot Decks at Thematic Tarot
This whole incident is unfortunate, that some of these adults cannot put aside petty differences, personal feelings, and ego for one project for the greater good of charity. It speaks volumes, doesn't it?
I like working with themed tarot decks, it's like a two-fer. I continue to learn about tarot, but also about topics of interest through tarot. It is one of the things I love about tarot, broadens my horizons and knowledge base in all sorts of ways.
Toggle Commented Nov 19, 2014 on Learning With The Herbal Tarot at Thematic Tarot
Thank you Janet. I am so excited to be here and for this opportunity to be part of the Thematic Tarot community.
Toggle Commented Oct 18, 2014 on Introducing Teresa Mills at Thematic Tarot
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Oct 15, 2014