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Mellanie Perez
Ames, Iowa
Recent Activity
I’ve stumbled. With faith, many, many times. The first time, it was twilight. I was sitting in my grandmother’s lap as we watched the dwindling stars illuminate the sky in the front steps of my house. The air smelled of grass and summer. She pushed my hair back and whispered,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2016 at Colour My Words.
She was an ocean* and he a young boy who made sand castles by the rising tides. She had yet to understand there was danger in beautiful things. And he was as dark as an oil spill, as suffocating as an empty soda bottle, as collateral as fear. *Borrowed from... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2016 at Colour My Words.
I haven't been writing as much lately as I did during the summer. I'll blame it on creative exhaustion and thank my grad degree for that. What I did have time for this Thanksgiving school break, however, was a quick photo session with one of my good friends. I don't... Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2015 at Colour My Words.
*Concocted while I was in the shower, as all good thoughts are.* When I was 16 years old I joined a student ambassador program called People To People. The program's goal was to provide high school students with an educational travel experience abroad. I was in the group that was... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2015 at Colour My Words.
"Fear isn't so large anymore. Which means faith doesn't feel like a leap, so much as the soft earth beneath my feet--grounding and fertile and boundless. Because good things do happen. Because there is a grace to the chaos of the universe. Because string theory is a thing. Because I... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2015 at Colour My Words.
There was this time I revealed to a group of friends how much I disliked our “selfie” culture. I let the words slip out of my mouth very much how one lets slip that you don’t give a shit about typography to a group of graphic designers. Everyone sported looks... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2015 at Colour My Words.
The sweet perfume I used to wear when I met you. The time we colored our hair pink. Paint on our arms. Tripping on ice, letting go, falling. Catching yourself humming in the kitchen. The smell of freshly roasted coffee. Sweaty palms, shaky legs. Twinkly lights on a fall evening.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 21, 2015 at Colour My Words.
"Today I wanted to jump back on a plane and make it back to Iowa…" so begins my journal entry dated June 30, 2015. "MOVING DAY OF HELL. First, we woke up at our motel and as we're about to leave we discover we have a flat tire. So we... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2015 at Colour My Words.
I like the curvature of your ears, for what their swerve reflect about the rest of your character, the promise of ply in the rest of your scenery, and the varied trajectories I could take down your body. Because I like the thought of losing grasp of the helix, and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2015 at Colour My Words.
Because the really fun thing about going to graduate for journalism, is that assignment may look something like this. This is my professor's version of "let me see what you can do with a camera and iMovie under a minute", and my lackadaisical response, "Fine." Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2015 at Colour My Words.
You are dying because you are so alive I clump your damp earth by fistfuls I exalt your guts and lowlands your territories overrun with horses I fill up your hollows -Brownyn Valentine, "Dear Body" Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2015 at Colour My Words.
I am receding tides. I kill whales. I flake out on turtles. And neatly folded laundry. Terrifying, disaster-on-the-brink perfection. I am the the house you grew up in, a cold, distant memory, a lasting inflection. And spilled coffee on white cloth precipitous, uninvited impression. I am all the times I... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2015 at Colour My Words.
She was this walking set of white teeth, molars and all. And I was this awkward set of brown eyes that always managed to look like deer in headlights. One day she stopped me by the water fountain in school and told me she loved my eyes and I secretly... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2015 at Colour My Words.
Apologies don't make good bandages, they say. I say let's step on each other's shoulders on our way to heaven. You pull my hair. I pull yours. My nails like birthmarks on your forearms. Your name like shrapnel on my tongue. And when we part ways you'll say "I'm not... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2015 at Colour My Words.
I’d weave my hands through your hair, unless you can think of something better, but I like to approach the tower of your body like a needle through a thread and then lay in surrender along cloths of regrets we’ve made. I’d also sharpen my nails to feel keen across... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2015 at Colour My Words.
Friends in NYC! from Mellanie Perez on Vimeo. By: Mellanie Perez June 10-12, 2015 New York, New York Music: Lights Out, Words Gone by Bombay Bicycle Club Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2015 at Colour My Words.
Put your phone down. Daydream about the good things. Always keep a good book in your purse--it's both a secret and an escape plan, two good things to have. Make the bed. Hold the door open for strangers. Smile. Look other people in the eye. So, you’re scared? Good, fear... Continue reading
Posted Jul 16, 2015 at Colour My Words.
Originally written Jul. 11, 2014 Beware of adjectives, my little bird. Don’t collect stray letters on your shoulders. God forbid, you don’t want to be an enigma amidst certainties , a stumper amongst answers, a cliffhanger amidst other cliffs that don’t mind whether the tides erode, or the drops of... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2015 at Colour My Words.
The first day I spent in my apartment I made waffles and chicken (you read that right), and spent most of the day alternating between pouring maple syrup on my plate and dunking the chicken in the remaining little puddles of stickiness. I lay sprawled on the floor, my computer,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2015 at Colour My Words.
Originally written Jul. 8, 2014 I cringe at the thought of small talk; at the thought of entering a room and filling the silence with mindless details of the day, and the weather, and laconic responses to endless “How-are-you’s” and “How-was-your-weekend’s”. All which only serve to get in the way... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2015 at Colour My Words.
I don't write poems, I usually awaken in the middle of the scuffle. Tangled limbs, ruffled hair of raging whims (that) beg to declare of your glare the exact angle, of your heart, the distinct pace. And in the middle I am shaken, I'm awakened, filled to the brim, perhaps... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2015 at Colour My Words.
I vow to teach her to say "yes". Whoever she decides to become, to say "yes". To the prom dates, yes to the little pinky dancing with hers, yes to going barefoot in asphalt, yes to sticking her tongue out, yes to bleeding knees, to the mess, the crooked noses,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2015 at Colour My Words.
I wanted to love grey instead of brown, at first. To love the grooves before the scratches, the fire before lighting matches. To read the middle of sentences. And you remind me to take the lid off before the pour, that resistance to that gravity is futile. To want this... Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2015 at Colour My Words.