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Jasmine S. Fuller
Recent Activity
Pakistan is known to be one of the world’s deadliest countries for the practice of independent journalism. Pakistan’s media is dominated by private companies that have close ties to the government. Whereas the press, television and radio are tightly monitored by regulators who impose temporary blocks over many media outlets - being that they are not allowed to broadcast their own news without authorized permission. It can be confusing for some people to understand Pakistan’s partly free media when their internet and press not fully free. The Pakistan media profile from Freedom House gives a brief statement stating why the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2015 at Global Media News
The company Microsoft was founded in 1975 and is the top worldwide leader in software, services, devices and suggesting solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential to work with media networking.
 In particular, Microsoft has been developing programs to help the development of countries that do not have the abitlity to reach outside of their networking services. For example, Microsoft’s program, 4Afrika Initiative was created to build Africa’s developing networking services, international communication and media. The programs goal is to build an internal communication within Africa and this program has grown since its first appearance in 1992... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2015 at Global Media News
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Jan 22, 2015