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James P
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Radio-TV Martí struggle against censorship in Cuba
Radio and TV Marti is challenged with the issue of distributing it's content inside Cuba. Marti is known for it's unfiltered Cuban news and snippets of life on the island. Employees at Marti burn about 15,000 Dvds with news and other content, which are then distributed monthly. It is circulated through flash drives as a way to get around Cubas jammers for Marti television and radio signals. The information is usually reported by Cuban journalists. The Marti broadcast is infamously known to anger the Castro brothers who view the transmission as a "violation of international norms". This is mostly due... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2015 at Global Media News
Radio Station for Peace
Radio Al-Salam 95.5 is a new broadcast radio station located in the Middle East. It began it's first broadcast Sunday, April 5th. In relation to the name Al-Salam, the purpose of the new radio station is to spread the message of peace and coexistence throughout the communities. Gollnisch, a French Catholic preist owns an organization called L'Oevvred' Orient that helps Christians in the Middle East. According to, Govnisch and his organization backs the Al-Salam radio station. He is also part of the delegation of several French groups that support the broadcasting. "As its name suggests, it is a radio... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2015 at Global Media News
A look into the social media war in Iraq
The war in Iraq is not only taken place on the battle ground anymore. Many Iraqis share share social networking pages related to military operations. Iraqis on Facebook circulated a now popular video of "Abu Azrael", a member of the Imam Ali Brigades who is part of the Popular Mobilization Units(PMU). The video turned him into an idolized icon or symbol of the shitte fighters struggle against the Islamic State(IS). According to Al-Monitor, Falah al-Shami a writer for the al-Mustakbal newspaper, commented on Abu Azrael’s emergence as a popular hero, arguing that it “stems from an urgent need in the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2015 at Global Media News
Social media brings justice for Farkhunda
27 year old, Farkhunda was attacked and killed by an angry mob in Kabul for allegedly burning the Quran. Many people both in and out of Afghanistan learned about Farkhunda's tragic story on social media. Pictures,eye-witnesss and on the spot news stories of the brutal incident was posted on a Afghan security Facebook page. At first the brutal photos of her was posted under headings such as "a women killed for burning the Quran" in order to justify murder. Public opinion of the incident however quickly began to change. According to, “When initial reports came in, some people on... Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2015 at Global Media News
Globox in Afghan is the new and first Internet television station in Afghanistan. The eradication of the Taliban regime led to this new station being formed. Only around 12 years ago the regime had banned television , music and cinema. This has left many urban Afghans with a taste for the globalized media of pop culture such as Western celebrities and movies. The programming of Globox include segments like "What's new in Kabul?", where for seven minutes Aimal Qowat, 22 talks about events in the city. They have shows dedicated for movies, fashion and general news the mainstream media of Afghanistan don't... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2015 at Global Media News
CCTV as China's Propaganda Tool
President Xi Jinping deployed a new campaign against the corruption, western influences and political enemies of China. Among the corrupt was CCTV which is a 24 hour English news channel, of China Central Television, based in Beijing. One of the news programs entailed by the CCTV were fake confessions by businessmen before they were even sent to trail. According to the nytimes: "The state-run China Central Television has shown suspects in high-profile cases with potential political sensitivities confessing on air, in some cases before they have been charged with wrongdoing or formally arrested." CCTV is known to heavily monitor people... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2015 at Global Media News
The Severity of Internet censorship in China
Since its foundation the Chinese government has shown to keep a tight grip on the content of its media. The media regulations endorsed by its laws allows the government to censor what China deems as a threat to their national security or reveal state secrets. Additionally the law dictates they can censor anything that deems harmful to their political or economic interests. Seemingly these laws are extremely vague and allow the government to facilitate censorship at their own discretion. Internet censorship in China has become increasingly obvious over the decade. Sites that contain sensitive phrases and violate China law have... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2015 at Global Media News
Propaganda in Russia
Propaganda in Russia has been around for a long time and has become a common ploy in their politics. The latest propaganda news story in Russia drags ex-American porn star, Star Sasha into it's Anti-Kiev agenda. The story goes that Sasha ditched her acting career to serve as a Nurse for Pro-Russian rebels fighting in eastern Ukraine. That is until she was brutally murdered on camera by the Ukrainian government. According to the Moscow Times: "The story says that a nurse named 'Sasha Serova' was captured by Ukrainian military forces, who then filmed themselves 'humiliating' her before chopping her body... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2015 at Global Media News
Social Media Used By Residents in Ukrainian Civil War
With the Ukrainian causalities tallying up to 50,000, civilians in the area are using social media as a means to stay connected with loved ones and report about the civil war. 18 year old, Tanya Sukharevskaya wants to reach out to her mother since she left her hometown for work three months ago. However, civilians were getting killed by artillery fire in the city of Debaltseve where her mother is working now. She tried her best to contact her, but couldn't through to the phone line. “I am managing to calm myself down, but my grandma (her mother) and my... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2015 at Global Media News
FPB set to censor the internet in South Africa?
One of the draft policies ready to be implemented by the Film and Publications Board (FPB), is that it will not allow any digital content to be distributed in South Africa without the organizations consent. The organizations policy even applies to major online corporations such as Google. It will even go as far as taking legal action against bloggers who post online videos and clips. According to here is the reason for such strict supervision: "The primary mandate of the FPB, formerly a censorship board under the apartheid regime, is to protect children from exposure to disturbing and harmful... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2015 at Global Media News
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