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Debbie- Dabble
Recent Activity
Jeanne, CONGRATS!!! How exciting!! Thanks so much for hosting and for visiting!! I did link up my post about my Morning doves..the pot is sort of blue!! LOL!! Hugs, Deb
Jeanne, All of your photos are breath taking but the one tht really called to me was The Bridge! I really loved that one!! Thanks so much for hosting!! Hugs, Debbie
Jeanne, Thanks so much for sharing this amazing place!! Beautiful gardens!! Thanks too for stopping by!! Hugs, Deb
Toggle Commented Apr 24, 2016 on CALLAWAY GARDENS PART ONE at Backyard Neighbor
Thanks so much for the party, Jeanne!! Hugs, Deb
Jeanne, What a beautiful poem and tribute. I linked your post up to mine.... We will all miss our Smiling Sally.... Hugs, Deb
Thanks so much for sharing your lovely cre4ative space!! Love the colors!! And love the amount of space that you have. Hugs, Debbie
Toggle Commented Jul 27, 2015 on Where Bloggers Create 2015 at Scraps of My Life
Karla, I am always amazed at your beautiful space!! Thanks again fro sharing it with us again this year!! Spectacullar!! Hugs, Debbie
Toggle Commented Jul 27, 2015 on A Studio Tour from Birdsong 5 at Karla's Cottage
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Feb 21, 2015