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I would agree that at this point the only way we are going to find these "moderate" sunni forces. The Iraqi gov and their Shia Militias formed by Iran are not showing any signs of being inclusive but instead are busy "securing" purging the mixed areas around Baghdad. Assad and his Iranian militias including Hezbos are not going to be of any mind to include moderate unless they are ground under. We should push and support a redraw of the whole region. Heavily support the Kurds military political and in between, urge them to join with the other minority regions that happen to mostly border or include their historical territories anyway. The Kurds have the skills, oil revenue, and cultural wiliness to become a powerful regional longterm ally akin to a Israel. Support a Iraq/Shialand from Baghdad south to Kuwait with continued weapons training on condition they hold some independence and don't become a Iranian vassal state. Support a Sunniland weapons training on condition they contain oppose the Islamist tendencies. The remains of Syria will be a rump mediteranian state Alawiteland, probably a vassal state of Iran. If it was me Kurdistan I would arm to a high degree and Sunniland/Shiland I would balance off eachother leveraging eachother to keep the other in line.
Toggle Commented Feb 26, 2015 on Jordan Allies with the Tribes at BlackFive
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Feb 26, 2015