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Simon Astor
Simon relocated from Brooklyn to Seattle after making the biggest left turn of his life. He loves reading old romance paperbacks, eating soup in bread bowls, eating the bread bowl the soup was in, singing on trains, and watching movies about boarding-school rebellions. Look for him in the places you used to go to together.
Recent Activity
Seems like everyone loves Cinco de Mayo, and here are some of our favorite places to enjoy it in two of our favorite cities. To start off, we spoke with Nina Martin, who tells us: Where to go for Cinco de Mayo 2015 in Dallas There is no shortage of Tex-Mex and Mexican restaurants in Dallas. With so many delicious... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2015 at Locally Yours : Amazon's Local Blog
Normally we'd say "hold the mayo" but not on Cinco de Mayo when we want as much as we can get! Celebrate this exciting day with $5 off any offer on the Amazon Local site. Then you'll have five extra dollars to spend on, well, anything! Here's all you have to do: 1) Browse around on Amazon Local 2) Discover... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2015 at Locally Yours : Amazon's Local Blog
As anyone who knows me will tell you, I like to stay active when I travel. It’s not enough to walk around Paris, when I went overseas, I had to look up jiu jitsu spots so that I could keep building my skills while abroad. Ditto a family trip to North Carolina in November. And now, here I am, a... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2015 at Locally Yours : Amazon's Local Blog
Here at Locally Yours, we comb the web for interesting stories and articles that catch our interest. Then we tell you about them, because link-sharing is link-caring. Below, I've curated some links to articles I've enjoyed over the last few days. In my heart I hold the not-so-secret wish that you will like them too. A link is a wish... Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2015 at Locally Yours : Amazon's Local Blog
When your feet are cold, your whole body is cold. And there are only so many pairs of socks you can wear. What I needed was a psychological boost, and I found one with a foot bouquet. It used to be you could count on the weather falling into predictable patterns. It used to be you had "April showers bring... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2015 at Locally Yours : Amazon's Local Blog
I've ridden a camel to the Great Pyramid, parasailed in the Florida Keys, and explored the Romanian countryside, but before today I'd never gotten a pedicure. I was nervous going in, worried there would be some "Eek, a man!" action going on or everyone would stop talking when I walked in, like I was a stranger entering a saloon. But... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2015 at Locally Yours : Amazon's Local Blog
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Mar 10, 2015