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robert mahoney
Recent Activity
Congratulations Mike and Mrs.
3.35- The Law of 14 Frimaire
At the end of 1793, the Committee of Public Safety completed it's consolidation of power. Direct Link: 3.35- The Law of 14 Frimaire
Mike, I very much enjoy all of your stuff. I'm reading Caesar's Commentaries and there are constant references to "corn' .What is the reference to ?Barley ,wheat,both, either? And how did the hostage thing work? slaves? Guests until the stuff hit the fan? How did that whole situation work? Were they short term ,for life ,until the war was over? Were they family of chiefs etc or unlucky subjects? Suppose Caesar got double crossed,which he did,what happened to the hostages? Thanks.
3.29- The Purge of the Girondins
On May 31-June 2, 1793 Paris once again rose in armed insurrection against the national government. Direct Link: 3.29- The Purge of the Girondins
robert mahoney is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 10, 2015
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