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This article is very interesting as I am on the path to becoming an administrator. The hiring process is an incredibly important job for any administrator. I wholeheartedly agree that a school needs to know what factors they are looking for in a new hire. That requires the administrator to have a good handle on the "pulse" of the school so that they understand what students and teachers need in a new hire. I also agree with Bryan's post regarding After the Hire. The key is to make sure that teachers continue to receive the PD and support that they need to become the best educators possible. The administrator needs to insure they are doing everything possible to make their faculty and staff successful. I also agree that money should not be an issue when hiring. However, we all are aware of the reality that exists today regarding funding for education. The key is to make sure you hire the correct person for the job instead of worrying about how much they will be paid.
Toggle Commented Apr 22, 2015 on The Science of Hiring at edu Pulse
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Mar 13, 2015