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Saad Z Hossain
Recent Activity
that first malazan book was horrible. Luckily i started with the third, which is really good, and kind of stand alone.
Friday Five: 5 Best Deaths in Fantasy
Two things you need to know about this week's Friday Five: 1) It is written by Saad Hossein, author of Escape from Baghdad!, which is easily one of the best books of 2015 - a brilliantly farcical romp that's like a contemporary fantasy version of Catch 22. Spectacular stuff. Saad also has a st...
Merchanter's Luck also
A little help - 'business in SF'
Trying to think of stories or books or movies or whatever that involve science fiction and business. Examples: James McKimmey - 'Confidence Game' Edgar Rice Burroughs - The Efficiency Expert [not SF/F; I'm terrible at this already] Robert Heinlein - The Man Who Sold the Moon Mark Twain - A Conne...
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Mar 16, 2015
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