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Sheldon A Harrison
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No current EV available, including the P100D is acceptable under sub freezing conditions for extended range operations. You can safely cut 100 miles or more off the stated 300+ mile range, especially when the heater is being used as well. Add snow and ice and it gets even worse. The Bolt, Leaf, Zoe etc. are woefully insufficient and would struggle to get even 150 miles under -10 to -20 degree celcius conditions or lower. It is exacerbated by the long charge time to full even when using DC fast charging.
Québec issues final regulations for ZEV mandate; in effect 11 January 2018; targeting ~10% ZEVs and LEVs by 2025
Québec Minister of Sustainable Development, the Environment, and the Fight Against Climate Change Isabelle Melançon has issued the final regulations in support of Bill 104 – An Act to increase the number of zero-emission motor vehicles in Québec in order to reduce greenhouse gas and other pollu...
I am really anxious to see whether the upcoming 200+ mile EVs (which means 150-180 miles real range or barely enough for a two hour plus interstate drive) will have the transformative effect so many seem to think they will. Market growth, yes. Takeover of the market - Highly questionable especially with gas prices low. This question is especially relevant if recharge continues to take multiples of tens of minutes to get going again when low. Interesting times ahead. I ask this with a chuckle as a coworker today just set out on a 16 hour overnight drive and the plan is as few stops as possible. Also on the horizon is Thanksgiving where many folks will be embarking on trips 200,300,400,500 and more miles, often doing the runs with minimal stopping, anxious to get to family to share the Turkey.
Update on JCESR’s progress toward 5-5-5 battery for EV and grid applications; convergent and divergent research strategies
In 2012, the US Department of Energy (DOE) awarded $120 million over five years to establish a new Batteries and Energy Storage Hub known as the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR). (Earlier post.) JCESR combines the R&D capabilities of five DOE national laboratories, five universit...
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Mar 23, 2015
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