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Emily Oliver
Recent Activity
Two years ago when I came to Japan I made an awesome friend named Yumi. She is so cute and such a kind person. I was looking forward to visiting with her while I was here, but I don't know if we will be able to meet up again since... Continue reading
Nikko was such a cool place I wish I could go back! If you travel north to the very end of the Nikko line, you will reach this delightfully quaint town. I went with my very good friend Mac, and it took us about two and a half hours (plus... Continue reading
Ok, this might seem really silly, but I think going to Tokyo Disney Sea was the one thing I was most looking forward to doing with my boyfriend, Austin, when he came to visit. I have never been (so bonus for me, yay), and my dad raved about it so... Continue reading
I am so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend wh... Continue reading
I have to start off saying that CIEE does so much for its international students, and I really appreciate it. I guess I can’t speak for any of the other countries, but here in Japan we have some pretty great staff! I say this not because I am sucking up,... Continue reading
I grew up watching Studio Ghibli films, and have admired the talent of Hayao Miyazaki and his staff for a long time. Their films are unique and memorable, and I love the underlying themes they present. Ever since I heard about the museum two years ago, I was desperate to... Continue reading
Golden week is a consecutive week of holidays, and one of the busiest travel days of the year in Japan. Most people have this time off, so for three days and two nights I visited my host father's hometown in Odawara. Everyone I talk to doesn't seem to know where... Continue reading
Two years ago I got the opportunity to travel to Hiroshima and explore its beautiful city. Last weekend I was fortunate enough to return there again, and take in some new experiences. The big things to see are the Peace Park and Peace Museum. Going through the museum was one... Continue reading
Ahhh Kamakura. I really enjoyed visiting each time I was here. I came two years ago with a group of awesome people from Hope College, and got to go again with a group of awesome people from CIEE. Although, Kamakura is only about 40-50 minutes from where I live, so... Continue reading
Emily Oliver is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 21, 2015