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Deana Johnson
Recent Activity
Add me I play farmville 2 (Level 65) and farmville 2 country escape (level 63)
Find More Co-op Members With Add Me Friday!
Now that Co-ops have been released, it's more important than ever to make sure you have neighbors you can rely on! (Learn more about Co-ops here: Farm Co-ops Guide) On Fridays, FarmVille 2 invites you to participate in Add Me Friday. We know that there are Farmers out there looking for n...
Add me I play farmville 2 (Level 65) and farmville 2 country escape (level 63) please inbox with the game you're adding me for so I will accept the request.
Find More Co-op Members With Add Me Friday!
Now that Co-ops have been released, it's more important than ever to make sure you have neighbors you can rely on! (Learn more about Co-ops here: Farm Co-ops Guide) On Fridays, FarmVille 2 invites you to participate in Add Me Friday. We know that there are Farmers out there looking for n...
Deana Johnson is now following The Typepad Team
May 1, 2015
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