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On Practicing Guitar
Christian Botta
Guitarist, Singer, Teacher, Songwriter and Producer
Interests: Music, cinema, reading, hockey, family, friends, cooking, wine
Recent Activity
I’m always on the hunt for a new music bio. With the large amount of these books being published today, one would think the line of great books in waiting is a long one, but that’s not always the case. This group represents a lucky period where books were practically... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2024 at On Practicing Guitar
Hi Eifion, Thanks for writing. I'm glad the Scrapper article was helpful. I've spent so much time trying to grab some of Scrapper's mojo. Maybe I will post my electric cover of Sloppy Drunk Blues. I made a new video of it last night with my band, Saints & Sinners. Yet, I still have work to do with my Scrapper licks. He's an unheralded master. -Chris
Hi Paul, I'm so glad that my article was helpful to you. Thanks for writing! When you're playing the song, I don't really feel or hear the 11 & 1/2 bar effect - it just sounds natural. A similar example is Little Wing by Jimi Hendrix - 9 & 1/2 bars but it doesn't seem strange at all but totally inevitable. I will definitely look for this video that you mention of Muddy playing the tune live. I mostly worked from his original recording. It's very old as you know. I also Like Brian Jones' version with the Rolling Stones. I'm a huge Brian Jones fan, and he was a huge Muddy fan, so it just makes sense. I will dip into Johnny's Hard Again of course. But I think of it as very much the band sound, with everyone contributing. He was producing there, so I guess he did a good job. I was recently in Hamburg - where in Germany do you live? Are there any good blues clubs there? I was just passing through with my girlfriend. Her sister lives there. Thanks again for writing! Your post really made my day. One more thing - Ha ha! I got a lot of benefit from practicing Just Can't Be Satisfied with a metronome. One might not think of using a metronome for the blues, but it works for technical things, no doubt about it. Take care! -Chris
Thanks for writing, Evan! I've been trying to adapt Scrapper's licks for my own stuff but it's easier said than done. They are so distinctive. One of the things about Leroy Carr is, he's such a great singer. The music is incredibly well balanced. -Chris
Thanks, Jos! I had a blast creating that post, but with the huge amount of Led Zep stuff on the web, there was barely a giggle. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Let me know what else you're up to on guitar. -Chris
Hi Jos, Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad there is information here that can benefit your guitar playing. What kind of music do you like? What are you working on? The hand positioning issue is something that all levels of players will think about from time to time. If you let me know what you're working on, I can recommend some other posts. -Chris
Hi Amelia, Thanks for writing! No, it's not the original sheet music. It says Let Ring, which means let the notes of the chord ring out. Don't stop them. They must sustain. You want to be able to hear all four notes of the chord ringing together. -Chris
Thanks for writing, Blaine! It's amazing how you can miss some of these important John Hurt landmarks and they're all within a few miles of each other. We saw the museum and the grocery store, but missed the cemetery. I don't know if I would have even been able to find those without the help of Floyd. And we found his number at the Shack Up Inn. So, things can be a little iffy. I think many MJH Pilgrims return again and again, and that's how they know the way. Either way, you definitely need to prepare with whatever maps, contacts, or otherwise that you can find. Thanks for the kind words on my blues posts! I'm glad that people are enjoying and hopefully benefiting from them! -Chris
Years ago, I bought a Fender Made in Mexico Strat with the intention of creating a “stealth guitar” or “secret weapon.” The idea was, I would have this cool looking guitar that hardly cost anything and sounded great. It was an Olympic White Strat with a rosewood fretboard (one of... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2023 at On Practicing Guitar
We're living in the golden age of stomp boxes. Pedal reviews, instructional videos and comparisons proliferate on YouTube. Newbie players acquire gargantuan pedal boards. And top selling pedals are sold out everywhere. There’s no question, effects pedals are massively popular right now. What follows here isn’t an exhaustive look at... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2022 at On Practicing Guitar
I love phase shifters. Unfortunately, their heyday was about forty-five years ago. So, you’ve got to find ways to fit them into your music. Or fit your music around the phase shifter sound. The early Cure comes to mind. Phase shifters aren’t subtle. Lucky for me, I am the proud... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2022 at On Practicing Guitar
Learn the central riff of this Zep classic, including the rhythm, picking, fretboard theory, and more! Playing a repetitive riff, over and over again, can be a great way to get some exercise for your left and right hands, as well as giving you an idea of where you are... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2022 at On Practicing Guitar
The Derek and the Dominoes cover is my favorite cover of the song. Duane's lead is so poignant and powerful, yet somehow hopeful and heroic. I've never taken to the Stevie version. I will have to give it another try. Thanks again for stopping by! -Chris
Thank you so much, Shirley! Please let me know how your cover turns out! I really like the Sting cover. What are some others that you like/know? It seems to me there are the big three covers: Dominoes, Sting, Stevie. Any more? I guess I'll have to do some research. Happy 4th of July!
What a night, Mike! We've got to play together again sometime soon! -Chris
Sitting On Top of the World is a blues song that has fascinated me for years. I originally heard the Cream version, and that led me to Howlin' Wolf. In this lesson, we'll take a look at the structure of the song, sometimes known as the inside. That includes the... Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2022 at On Practicing Guitar
Thanks for your comment, Cyrus! I checked multiple sources and I have it right. Plus, it sounds right. However, your version sounds good. You should try writing a song around that. That's the way the pros do it! -Chris
I’ve been a fan of Freddie King for a long time, but I didn’t take the deep dive until I had to learn the "The Stumble" when I joined a band called The Fountain of Blues. One thing led to another and soon I was ripping the Texas Cannonball’s riffs,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2022 at On Practicing Guitar
Sorry to hear that, Steve! The only information that I could find at the time was on a bulletin board at the Shack Up Inn right outside Clarksdale. I would try giving them a call if I was down there and couldn't find any other info. -Chris
Thanks for checking in, Jeremy. The exhibit was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. I think it may have made a few stops in other cities, but I'm not sure. I went three times. -Chris
The beautiful chord changes of “Little Wing,” Jimi Hendrix’s psychedelic ballad, are an opportunity for beginners to up their game. You may feel that you want to play the intricate melodies, fills, and leads that Jimi and others play, but you’ll be much better prepared for that if you master... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2022 at On Practicing Guitar
There used to be an adage that learning the blues provided a strong background for playing rock music. Much of today’s rock music isn't based on the blues, so this theory may not be entirely accurate anymore. But one thing still holds true: Learning the blues is a great way... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2022 at On Practicing Guitar
Thanks for writing, Andy! I give lessons on Zoom and in person, if you happen to be in the New York area. Otherwise, check out my posts on the rhythm for Hey Joe and Dead Flowers. Hey Joe uses a pattern that's a combination of Knockin' On Heaven's Door and Dead Flowers. They're all linked. I hope to do more strumming articles soon. Thanks again, Chris
Thanks for writing Phillip! I would love to go back there. -Chris
Thanks again, WC! It's a classic! Some others to try are In My Time of Dying by Led Zeppelin and No Expectations by the Stones. -Chris