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Julie Chartrou-Wood
Recent Activity
OMG that is so exciting!!!!! I met my husband in North East Tennessee where we used to live, and I used to go to Nashville a lot! Love that city!! I'm so jealous it's my dream to go back around there but the hubby doesn't really want to... Maybe I'll find a job there one day and he won't have any choice, there are more and more PR firms there so I'm sure a great opportunity will come soon! So excited for you guys, you will love it, Tennessee is the best! Great music, great food and awesome people! I miss the Southern hospitality and kindness!
Big News (& Nobody's Pregnant!)
Hi, friends! Today I have some big news to share with you! This summer Jeremy and I are Nashville. And....Laura and her husband, Todd, are moving too! We're shaking things up, big time, and I wanted to take some time to tell you all about why we made this choice, what our plans a...
Julie Chartrou-Wood is now following The Typepad Team
May 13, 2015
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