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Meghan Gayton
Recent Activity
Today, we visited Betty's cheese shop located in marché Victor Hugo. We sampled four different cheeses from three different animals: cow, sheep and goat. While most students enjoyed the Anunciata (which compares with a Swiss), less were moved by the strong chèvre or roquefort. Although we only sampled four, the... Continue reading
Today, we explored the Cité de l'espace here in Toulouse. Highlights of the space center include a replica of the Ariane rocket and a former MIR space station that the students were able to explore. There were a variety of other space-related exhibits waiting to be discovered! After our visit,... Continue reading
On Friday after class, we took an SNCF train down to the Mediterranean for the weekend where we spent time in two seaside towns: Port-Vendres and Collioure. After a long train ride, students relaxed at the beach in Port-Vendres on Friday night. This included everyone's favorite game: "Let's Bury Danny!"... Continue reading
Today, our group visited Airbus, Boeing's European competitor. During the tour, our guide Katherine brought us to one of Airbus's manufacturing hangars where they were currently building three A380s, the world's largest commercial airliner. We learned that the A380 can hold over 800 passengers and is made up of parts... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2015 at High School Summer Abroad Blog | CIEE
Formally an Augustine monastery, La Museé des Augustins started housing artwork in 1794 just after the French Revolution. Within its cloisters we viewed a selection of medieval and Renaissance art (primarily sculptures). Pictured below are two of the museum's most famous pieces/collections: 1. Vierge à l'Enfant: Nostre Dame de Grasse... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2015 at High School Summer Abroad Blog | CIEE
This week, the groups visited the immigrant neighborhood of Toulouse, les quartiers du Mirail et de la Reynerie. After touring the quartier made of concrete high rises where people actually reside, our guide Catherine took us through the parc de la Reynerie to see the small castle of the same... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2015 at High School Summer Abroad Blog | CIEE
Students arrived by train from Toulouse into Carcassonne mid-morning this Saturday and walked through the "ville basse" (the lower city) to the "cité médiévale" (walled citadel). Pictured above is the Porte Narbonnaise, one of two main gates in the city with a 19th century replica of Dame Carcas who according... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2015 at High School Summer Abroad Blog | CIEE
After class, Danny, Sage, Miranda and Dan (left to right) all ventured over to the Carmes market to check out Toulouse's skyline. The parking garage situated there (once a Carmelite convent--hence the name "Carmes") boasts the best view of the city from the seventh floor. Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2015 at High School Summer Abroad Blog | CIEE
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Meg et je serai la "Program Leader" pour la deuxième groupe cet été. Enchantée de faire votre connaissance! Je suis prof d'anglais à Oxbridge Academy, un lycée privé à West Palm Beach, Florida. Dr. Riordan (qui enseigne les cours de français à Oxbridge) est une collègue et... Continue reading
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May 29, 2015