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David Heath
Cloud nine
curmudgeonly contrarian
Recent Activity
As an extension of the question by John van Barneveld, I've always wondered what would happen if an absolute majority of electors in an electorate petitioned their Member to vote in a specific way on some issue (which was entirely contrary to the stated intentions of the party which they represent).
Assuming that person was indeed elected to represent their electorate (fat chance, I know!), it would only be reasonable to assume that they would be obliged to vote in accordance with the petition.
COMMENT: There is no obligation for elected members to act in any particular way once elected. They might be influenced to vote if they hope to win re-election, but MPs are in no way bound by their constituents' views.
An Early Election? Could there be a Double Dissolution?
There is some wild speculation around about an early Commonwealth election, but there are several problems for the government in calling an early election. First is the Senate. Under Section 13 of the Constitution, it is impossible to issue a writ for a half-Senate election until 1 July 2016. Th...
David Heath is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 25, 2015
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