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My life has been changed by natural wine due to the fact that my brother Brennan, of Cepas Elegidas, is making such wines in one of the toughest countries for outsiders, Argentina. Moving there at the age of 23, he was determined to make wines with the upmost character and integrity, qualities that are so rare in any industry these days. His passion for authentic wines and courage to fight for his believes inspires me to do what's right, regardless of the sacrifice that sometimes comes along with being completely open and different.
Can natural wines change your life?
Last week one of my talks at the Ballymaloe Lit Fest was about natural wines changing lives. When I came up with the topic, I had some fantasy of getting work as a motivational speaker and sparking new energy in old lives. In fact, I started to feel all comic and hyperbolic about the topic...
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Jul 4, 2015
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