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Sandy KS
Recent Activity
Ball games can be a ton of fun. It has been over five years since I went to a ball game. My current boyfriend isn't into sports. So, we don't go to them.
Visiting the Amazing New Marlin's Park in Miami, Florida
During my visit to Miami Florida in June 2015, I had the pleasure of attending a baseball game at the Marlins new stadium. This is a really new stadium that just opened in the spring of 2012. The Marlins were playing the New York Yankees that night and it was a sold-out game. I'm a Yankees fa...
Finally! Have to use my tablet. I was never able to visit Miami beaches when I lived in Florida. I was able to visit ones in the Fort Myers and surrounding areas. If Miami is anything like those, I know it was beautiful.
Fun at South Beach in Miami Florida
The above photo was taken from a nice restaurant called the Rusty Pelican where you can get a pretty good view of the Miami city skyline. I always enjoy taking photos of people at the beach. Most of them are having fun especially the children. I enjoyed seeing the ocean and big waves which I ...
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Jul 26, 2015
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