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Ryan Lever
Recent Activity
I have just purchased one of these and wondering have I done the right thing ? Also i belive the OSD is no good is there one i should get or ?
RUNNER 250 - Walkera goes racing
Maybe the fastest growing RC sport right now is FPV RACING.. common we all wanna race. the bread-n-butter of racing have become virtually indestructible 250 size FPV quads. simple, powerful, and equipped with a FPV camera & transmitter. Now Walkera have gotten onboard with their first 250 ...
Ryan Lever is now following Bo Lorentzen
Jul 27, 2015
I have just bought this from hobbyking and wondering what i need to watch out for. Mine is coming with the OSD but just read that its no good can i put another one on there ?
RUNNER 250 - Walkera goes racing
Maybe the fastest growing RC sport right now is FPV RACING.. common we all wanna race. the bread-n-butter of racing have become virtually indestructible 250 size FPV quads. simple, powerful, and equipped with a FPV camera & transmitter. Now Walkera have gotten onboard with their first 250 ...
Ryan Lever is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 27, 2015
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