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Jennifer Ochse
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When citing a chapter in an 11th edition book that has two authors, but only one author for the chapter cited.. would this meet APA criteria? Bickley, L. S. (2013). Interviewing and the health history. In L. S. Bickley & P. G. Szilagyi (Ed.), Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking (11th ed., pp. 55-100). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
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Thank you! And if they're different years then it would be (AABC, 2013-a) and (AABC, 2015-a) or would it again be (AABC, 2015a, 2013a)? I have referenced different webpages of the same website, but the years are sometimes the same and sometimes different. Thank you!
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For using multiple webpages of the same site, would I do in text citation like this: (AABC, 2015-a); (AABC, 2015-b)... etc?
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If I reference in my paper the poster presentations, what would be the correct citation... For example: would it be (Author, Year)
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For a webinar/podcast reference, how would I cite the information? Jones, C. P. (Speaker). (2012, June 5). Social determinants of health disparities: Moving the nation to care about social justice [webcast]. Retrieved from For example, in-text citation.. would it be this? (Jones, 2012)? Thank you!!
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If i'm using the newer edition and want to reference that addition and specific page numbers for the chapter.. would my format look like this: Butts, J., & Rich, K. (2015). Feminist ethics: Some applicable thoughts for advanced practice nurses (2nd ed., pp. 159-176). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. I don't have a different editor for this edition than for the previous one.
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Can you use the following sentence beginning or is it too lengthy with four authors? According to Gau, Chang, Tian, & Lin (2011)...
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For citing a government agency and abbreviating for citation purposes, would the following be correct for a first citation? (Office of Women’s Health [OWH], 2010) And the remaining citations be: (OWH, 2010)
Toggle Commented Aug 6, 2015 on Group Authors at APA Style 6th Edition Blog
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Hi! I'm confused on citing multiple paragraphs from the same webpage. For example, if I have paraphrased or summarized various points into my own words from a webpage. Would the citation be (OWH, 2010) or (OWH, 2010, para. 5)? And would my reference list for the website just reflect the following: Office of Women’s Health (OWH). (2010, September 27). Labor and birth [Website]. Retrieved from
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Hi! I'm confused on citing multiple paragraphs from the same webpage. For example, if I have paraphrased or summarized various points into my own words from a webpage. Would the citation be (OWH, 2010) or (OWH, 2010, para. 5)? And would my reference list for the website just reflect the following: Office of Women’s Health (OWH). (2010, September 27). Labor and birth [Website]. Retrieved from
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Aug 1, 2015