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Jo Brock
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I would like to hear your professional opinion and evaluation of this singer singing songs from the Balkans (southeast Europe) please. She sings 5 songs live at a memorial concert (so it isn't completely formal) and I'll post the start times of when she actually starts singing so you can move the time slider and don't have to wait so much. She starts singing the first song at about the 1:48 mark. If you only have time for one of them, listen to the 3rd one. These are traditional style songs. She is a professional and also sings ballads and pop music but not on this video. 1) 1:48-4:51 2) 5:48-8:46 3) 9:47-12:43 4) 13:06-15:36 5) 16:10-18:38
Jo Brock is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 1, 2015