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Hi Joanna, Thank you very much for your comments. It is great to hear from a Toronto reggae enthusiast. The Toronto Reggae Project is accepting donations of items related to this topic. You can message on their Facebook page
Research Guide to Reggae Lane: Toronto's Jamaican Music Scene, 1960s to the Present
Getting Started Photo courtesy of Barbara Baillargeon “Reggae Lane" is the name of a laneway located behind the storefronts south of Eglinton Avenue West and east of Oakwood Avenue. It was given this title in 2015 by Toronto Councillor Josh Colle to honour the rich music tradition of this ar...
Thank you Barb for this great salute to this Toronto icon. Having lived in its glow for the last 30 years, it was a fun part of our lives. Every once in a while, especially around back to school time, I would give my children a couple of dollars to go and have fun for a few hours. We really miss it.
Farewell to Honest Ed’s, 1948 to 2016
Honest Ed’s is closing its doors for good on December 31. The legendary bargain store has been a major feature of the Bloor West streetscape since 1948 when 34-year-old Toronto entrepreneur Edwin “Honest Ed” Mirvish started Canada's first discount retail store at the southeast corner of Bloor an...
Reggae Heritage: Explore Eglinton Avenue West!
Posted Jun 2, 2016 at New to Canada
Research Guide to York - Township, Borough and City - 1793-1997
Posted Apr 15, 2016 at Local History & Genealogy
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Aug 7, 2015
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