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The X is one of the chrismi, the letter or group of letters used in written texts tot indicate Christ. These chrismi can be found in treatises on the composition of charters. IC is another one.
The O stands for Omnipotens, is also coccurs in inscirptions on other swords.
In nominia domini occurs as the start of most inscriptions on medieval swords. Sometimes the inscription consists of nothing else.
GH might stand for Gloria et Honore
also possible is Generis Humani although much more frequent is Humani Generis.
R might stand for Redemptor
Redemptor generis humani?
Help us decipher this inscription
In 2015 we blogged about the medieval sword then on loan to the British Library’s exhibition Magna Carta: Law, Liberty, Legacy. We have been thrilled by the huge number of suggestions we have received about it, from all corners of the globe. But all correspondence about the sword and its inscrip...
There are examples of similar inscriptions elsewhere in Europe.
In Denmark an inscription on a sword reads NDIC
A sword found in Stevensweert (Netherlands) reads ‘NEXORENEXORENEXORENEXORENS+’
In a sword found in Berg the inscription is in French :’ +RG DIEU NS DXG DIEU NS DIEU N+.
The partial translation that is given for DIEU NS is ‘Dieu notre seigneur’ or ‘Sauveur’. The most probable meanin is Sauveur because an inscription found on a sword in Gacilly (France) points in this direction. ‘SNenO NEXORE D Ne ROE.. S’
The translation that is given here is
SNEnO / Salvatoris Nomine nostri Omnipotensis : Au nom de notre Sauveur Tout-Puissant.
NeXORE / Nomine Christi Omnipotensis Redemptaris Eterni : Au nom du Christ Tout-Puissant Redempteur Eternel.
D / Domini : Seigneur.
Ne / Nomine : Au nom de.
ROE? ? S : Il peut s'agir d'un nom de famille, d'un prénom ou de la suite de l'invocation: Redemptoris Omnipotensis Eterni.
Entre le E et le S, l'espace peut être comblé par 2 caractères.
So in all these inscriptions the interpretations point to ‘God, Christ, our Saviour’. This is quite understandable when you think of the situations in which swords are used. The texte on the first ‘Dutch’ sword is just a repetion of Nomine Christi Omnipotens Redemptoris Eterni.
The same ‘Saviour’ aspect is probably behind the inscription on this particular sword.
X stands for Christ
ND: Nomine Domine
R: propably redemptor/saviour (Rex?)
O: omnipotent
Help us decipher this inscription
In 2015 we blogged about the medieval sword then on loan to the British Library’s exhibition Magna Carta: Law, Liberty, Legacy. We have been thrilled by the huge number of suggestions we have received about it, from all corners of the globe. But all correspondence about the sword and its inscrip...
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Aug 7, 2015
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