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Interests: Science, nature, family history
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We have found a copy of this document in some old family photos. Included is a newspaper cutting fcreferring to Napoleon's bearers. Apparently Matthew Grimes who is buried at Thornton Dale near Pickering has a tombstone with the inscription "Guard at at St Helena over Napoleon and a bearer of that Monarch to his grave"
The copy of the booklet appears very old (but I am no judge) it is not professionally bound but is held together by some red thread. The illustrations are smaller than the rest of the pages.
The Return of the Emperor
A curious book, published in St Helena in 1840, relates the events that led to the exhumation of the body of Napoleon Bonaparte and the return of his remains to France. The account is based on a memorandum by Mr Janisch, a former secretary to the Governor of the Island, Sir Hudson Lowe, who was ...
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Aug 14, 2015
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