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Kira Farley
Recent Activity
First, let me apologize for the lack of interesting blog posts. As the year draws to a close, I have been thinking of logistical topics that I wished someone had written about before me, but I will write something actually interesting to read soon! However, here is another post on... Continue reading
Disclaimer: this post is more geared towards those who are looking for advice for their own Gap Year in Paris, but feel free to read anyway! There are fewer things I find worse than being sick. I can't stand it. I know some people love taking days off to lie... Continue reading
I love Paris, but I have decided to move. I’ll be packing my things this week and heading to my new home: Le château de Versailles. It's fitting for me since I have always wanted to be a princess (and a dinosaur and a bug, but I am still working... Continue reading
IT’S A BOY! On February 8, 2016 the CIEE Gap Year¨Program welcomed their new little miracle: Moses Milchberg. He weighed over 100 lbs and measured at a whopping six feet and two inches! Last semester we had two other members of the CIEE crew: Nick and Robert. Now they are... Continue reading
The French have mastered the art of “Sunday Brunch”. You can feel your life improving with every bite of fresh airy croissant and each sip of café au lait or jus d’orange pressé. Le Brunch du Dimanche often consists of other pastries and breads as well. My personal favorites include... Continue reading
Happy National Crêpe Day! It is an incredibly simple dish: some flour, eggs, milk, butter and you are set. Every French person and their mother gets together and celebrates this glorious day of crêpe eating goodness. I actually celebrated the day after with my host family and friends. The day... Continue reading
I’m pooped. I am achy and exhausted and my reflection actually scared me this morning because the circles under my eyes are so purple I thought I had paint streaked on my face. It’s also the best feeling in the world. I just spent the last eight days hopping from... Continue reading
Sometimes I wear fake bangs. I got them as a birthday present years ago, but have never dared wear them out of my house. Every so often I like to creep over late at night to my “battle-station corner” where my overloaded collection of makeup, hair tools and accessories resides... Continue reading
Luna and Hugues send me on my way “How was Paris?!” -Everyone Paris less than amazing. It is intoxicating...everything about it filled my pores, filtered my vision, clouded my brain with a high unavailable on any black market. Paris is every newly discovered piece of myself that I never... Continue reading
Foie Gras. It's controversial. It looks gross. It's delicious. This weekend I did the Frenchest thing I have done to date and I learned how to make it! I gathered with my CIEE folks in one of my professor's apartment (which was adorable as many French apartments seem to be)... Continue reading
When I say that this past weekend was life changing, I mean it. I, the girl from Georgia, got to experience real fluffy/pure/fresh/freezing snow. This photo about sums it up: As stupid as this sounds, my first reaction (besides throwing myself into the first pile of glorious white heaven that... Continue reading
What does one think when their is no time to think, only time to find safety. What can one do when they know that around them there are people who are suffering, bleeding, dying or already dead. What can one say about 127 deaths when 127 is no longer just... Continue reading
Q: How could anyone feel the need to take a weekend getaway when they live in Paris? A: The getaway is in Italy. Yesterday morning I woke up in Naples, Italy and fell asleep in Paris, France. From Thursday night to Monday morning I slept an average of four hours... Continue reading
Three weeks. That’s how long they said it would take to feel the transition from my life back home to my life in a new and exciting city. Three weeks until I felt comfortable with my host family. Three weeks until I started missing my real family. Three weeks until... Continue reading
Coucou!** I have officially been in France for over a week, but in reality it feels like I have only just arrived. Despite being a newbie, I don’t feel like a complete outsider. Yes, when my friends and I ride the metro we are noticeably louder (take note, Americans...the metro... Continue reading
Bonjour! I have been here almost one week! I would write tomorrow when it is officially a week, but I will actually be traveling for my first weekend living in Paris. I’m going with my host sisters to Normandy to meet the rest of the family and watch them go... Continue reading
DISCLAIMER: I'll publish a "first few days" post soon, but first I want to write about packing. This is just for the people like me who spent way too much time looking for the “perfect” packing list. At the end of both semesters I will do updates on what I... Continue reading
Kira Farley added a favorite at Everything Typepad
Sep 20, 2015
Today I spent four hours sorting makeup. Why? 1. I truly do have more makeup than anyone needs 2. As I swiped on a new lip shade or opened another eyeshadow palette, memories of when I wore it last started flooding back There was the poppy red lipstick I wore... Continue reading
"Whatcha know ‘bout me?" -Lil Mama Let me start at the beginning: I was born in Atlanta, Georgia into a family consisting of a supportive mother, a silly father and a beautiful and hardworking sister, Madison: Dad, Madison, Me, Mom! Here is a photo of Madison and me from when... Continue reading
Kira Farley is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 21, 2015