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Jeremy Strang
Recent Activity
It is very common for the signs of closed businesses to be flipped upside-down and backwards, rather than simply removing them and leaving the florescent tubes exposed. I am shocked you've never seen this before.
You Had One Job
From FurionOG
It's almost like having an app on your phone doesn't make letting strangers stay in your home any less imbecilic and asinine of an idea...
AirBNB Hell: French Artist Refuses To Pay Host and Leave, Spray Paints the Word "Bitch" on Her Front Door
From botoko: A japanese friend was hosting a guest in her apartment in Tokyo. Guest was a french artist and he refused to pay and leave. When she called the police, he did this and left. Now the guy is out of the country. What could she do?
Jeremy Strang is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 25, 2015
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