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Jina Vicario
Recent Activity
Why You Should Follow DJ Khaled on Snapchat
With a name like DJ Khaled, you would expect nothing but music related videos and DJ duties on his snapchat story. But it seems as though DJ Khaled has a career other than being a very successful hip-hop/rap producer and label executive; he has taken on the title of Motivational Speaker. DJ Khaled's "Keys to Success" videos recorded daily on his snapchat story may seem like a bit of out of the order advice, but it's the simple things that keep him motivated. With things such as "using cocoa butter is the key to success", "an apple a day will... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2015 at Global Media News
Successful E-Mail Marketing: Fashion E-Commerce
If you have ever shopped online, you may have signed up for the store's email newsletter. What's that? You know, all of those annoying daily emails about shopping their newest collection and the three day sales where everything is 20% off. Although they can be annoying, believe it or not, these companies do find a way to make you open up the email and click through to their website. They may even get you to make a purchase; all from a simple email. But is it really all that simple? Even if you hadn't planned on making a purchase or... Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2015 at Global Media News
Why You Need A Social Media Calendar/Log
image: kayla hollatz When it comes to marketing and business, creating a plan is the first step towards success. Creating a social media plan reinforces your marketing strategies and helps you stay consistent with your business' online presence. A social media calendar creates an efficient schedule and lines up the dates and times for each post you plan to present on social media and helps you monitor and track the reach of each of those posts. For example, a business/company may have a social media marketing manager that posts to several different social media platforms a day. Using a tool... Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2015 at Global Media News
Twitter for Fashion Bloggers
Twitter is not one of the main places that you can find a fashion blogger. Most people on twitter retweet content or links of viral internet comedy or news. Twitter is not the place for someone that extensively writes about topics like a fashion blogger does. To the twitter world that stuff is just not entertaining enough. But it is a place for bloggers to drive traffic to their blogs or become more personal with those that follow their blogs. Having a twitter profile photo that is easily recognizable acts like a logo without being a logo so to say.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2015 at Global Media News
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Aug 26, 2015
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