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Anthony Dull
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In certain situations, you may have noticed when creating a sketch or modifying one that selecting profiles may be a daunting task for feature creation in Fusion 360. In the image below you will see two circles that were created to perform a cut into the part. Notice though, that each profile where the gear teeth meet the sketched circles will need to be selected to achieve the desired result. The desired result being the area between the two sketched circles. Those profiles are selectable because within Fusion 360's preferences the option to "Auto project geometry on active sketch plane"... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2017 at IMAGINiT Manufacturing Solutions Blog
Selection sets within Fusion 360 can be an enormous timesaver when you are experimenting with things such as, appearances and materials. So, in lieu of manually selecting all required faces, bodies, components each time you want to change the appearance or material you should create a selection set. Let's take a look at it. In this example, I have some railings that I am still not sure what the final color will end up being. And I will be playing around with color schemes pretty frequently. Standard operating procedure would be to simply drag and drop an appearance on top... Continue reading
We all know that Bolted Connections are a powerful way of not only adding nuts, bolts, and washers to your assembly but also adding placed features (holes) down into the various parts of the assembly. This post assumes an understanding of Bolted Connections. A typical workflow might consist of having holes predefined in one part and using them to drive the location of the holes in the mating part(s). After the Bolted Connection does it thing we have holes placed into the parts at the part level (for detailing purposes) and hardware placed and constrained into the assembly. All of... Continue reading
Hey Bob, great question. On the Data Panel within Fusion 360 simply click the "Upload" button and select your Inventor design.
One thing that opened up a whole new world to me when I started modeling with T-Splines was the realization that faces, edges, and points can be deleted to achieve different effects. Some of those effects include adding holes, combining faces, and rounding corners to name a few. In the image below you will see a T-Spline plane on the left, on the right the indicated face, edge, and point were deleted to change the control frame on the plane. Now, start combining the “delete” concept with a few simple "Edit Form" movements and you really begin to see your... Continue reading
Autodesk is leading the charge to make CAM accessible to everyone. With that being said, let's take a look at the CAM setup dialog box within Fusion 360. I hope this benefits all new CAM users to get started in this environment. Before we start, an optional step (Shown Below) is to include the model of the vise and components that will be holding the part. For the novice or beginner this step should be thoroughly considered. Adding this step, will enable the ability to simulate interferences with the vise as the part is being cut! It is for that... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2016 at IMAGINiT Manufacturing Solutions Blog
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Sep 10, 2015