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Jane Fenoulhet
Professor of Dutch Studies
Interests: Literature, gender, sexuality, nomadic philosophy
Recent Activity
Staff and students at UCL also had the good fortune to work with Joost Zwagerman and will miss his openness and humility. Despite being a big name and personality he welcomed our readings and translations of his work. A great loss to the literary world.
Joost Zwagerman (1963-2015)
On Tuesday of this week Joost Zwagerman, one of three most read Dutch authors of our generation, took his own life. Joost Zwagerman in 2010 (picture by Jost Hindersmann from Wikimedia Commons CC BY 3.0) Zwagerman was a prolific author, poet, commentator, art critic and polemicist. In 2010 he...
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Sep 14, 2015
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