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Seppo Ilmarinen
Recent Activity
I have three authors with the same family name (Li) but different initials and different co-authors. Do I order them by initials or by coauthors? At the moment, I have them as:
Li., C.-F., Yang, J., Zhang, C., Zhang, Z.-S., Zheng, M., Ahmad, S., Cao, C.-G., 2010. Effects of short-term tillage and fertilization on grain yields and soil properties of rice production systems in central China. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 8, 577-584.
Li, J.H., Yang, Y.J., Li, B.W., Li, W.J., Wang, G., Knops, J.M.H., 2014. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on soil carbon fractions in alpine meadows on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. PLOS One 9, e103266.
Li, Q., Bai, H., Liang, W., Xia, J., Wan, S., van der Putten, W.H., 2013. Nitrogen addition and warming independently influence the belowground micro-food web in a temperate steppe. PLOS One 8, e60441.
Order in the Reference List! Or the Case of the Maddening Initials
by Anne Breitenbach It’s true confessions time: I copyedited APA journals for years and even taught APA Style to APA copy editors, and yet I’ve tripped over some really basic issues more times than I like to admit. One issue that has tied me in knots several times is how to order a referen...
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Sep 29, 2015
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