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Tessa Gizoria
Port Moresby
Recent Activity
A truly beautiful, very well told story. I have family from Tingwon and usually here of the struggle to get to Kavieng town for the basic services especially health related. Peter is a miracle! Thank you for sharing this story.
An epic tale from PNG: Baby Peter and the return to Tingwon
PETER COMERFORD THE story really began at Kavieng one September afternoon in 1973. A patrol boat, HMAS Aitape, had made its way from Manus to Tingwon Island after receiving a radio call for assistance to transfer a woman in premature labour to Kavieng Hospital. The patrol boat made the difficu...
A friend recently told me of the natural beauty of that area after a long walk through the region. How sad to know that the picture he painted of quiet glassy crystal lake surface was once disturbed by thriving birdlife!
The onus now lies on the sons and daughters who see his place as their birthright, to protect and preserve it for their future generations and for PNG as a whole!
I can't wait to visit it as well!
Conservation: the sad state of the great Kandep swamplands
DANIEL KUMBON On a visit to East Anglia in the United Kingdom, I met people who were not only using bicycles in preference to motor vehicles but who were dedicated to conserving and protecting all of nature. Numerous conservation projects had been established in 280 square kilometres of uninter...
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Oct 12, 2015
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