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Nick Doremus
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I fully confess to being a rank amateur at this sort of thing, but it seems to me that the Syrians are attacking in a rather piecemeal fashion at a variety of points without a specific and attainable objective. I get this might make sense as part of an attritional strategy, but only if you have a decisive advantage over your opponent. I'm not sure that's the case here when the rebels can blunt the Syrian edge in armor with antitank weapons and the Russians appear to lack the overwhelming and coordinated air power that might dislodge them. It seems to me that the government won't accomplish much by wearing themselves down across the map, but I'm curious to know how you think this will play out.
MAP ONLY: Behind enemy lines ... The SAA offensive in Aleppo
By Patrick BAHZAD - situation as of October 16th 2015, 4 pm EDT As government offensives in the NW of Syria have been met with stiff resistance by various rebels groups, a new operation seems to have started deep inside rebel held territory, around the divided city of Aleppo. While the ongoi...
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Oct 16, 2015
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