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Thoughts of life.
Interests: cooking, baking, creating
Recent Activity
What a gorgeous difference. Loving the open shelves.
Elsie's Kitchen: Progress Report
Hey, friends! I'm here to share a bit of a progress report about our kitchen today. A couple weeks ago I shared the before and some of our initial plans. We're currently DEEP in the renovation and really excited to see it coming together. Decisions you can spot in the photo above: 1. This ep...
My Purpose.
So, recently I've been thinking about how I want to set up this whole blog. I mean, I really want it to be used as an inspiration for myself. I really, really want to get myself more motivated and try out new things, but I also want to use this... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2015 at s i m p l y k e s s
Time. Where Has It Gone?
I was laying in bed when all of a sudden, I had a thought. "Time just flies on by, huh?" I had this thought when I was thinking about my day. At work I was talking to my co-worker, who is due to have her baby in a week or... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2015 at s i m p l y k e s s
Kess is now following Joy
Oct 29, 2015
a first.
First post. This is so odd to me. I’ve been wanting to start a blog for some time and I’ve always talked about it to my pre-husband. He’s always said, “Then why don’t you start one?” and I never really had an answer to that. Why didn’t I just make... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2015 at s i m p l y k e s s
Kess is now following A Beautiful Mess
Oct 29, 2015
Kess is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 29, 2015
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