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Francis Rodriguez
Recent Activity
I love this entire collection!
Have been looking around a lot and this really speaks to me. I really want it.
Where can I find this entire collection?
Bloom by Maggie Holmes
Welcome back! It's Lisa here with you today and I'm excited to share our new Maggie Holmes collection, Bloom, with you. Bloom was inspired by Maggie's memories of her grandmother's flower garden. I love that because the essence of scrapbooking really is sharing loving memories with future...
This is great!
I have a question, though, how did you attach the pictures and patterned paper?
Everything is so seamless and goes so well together. You did an amazing job!
Gratitude Week: Accordion Album
Today, I will be sharing my “Grateful for the Little Things” accordion album. Documenting the little things always gives me such great joy. It’s easy to take ordinary, everyday moments for granted, but scrapbooking helps me preserve the memory and reflect on my gratitude. This mini album ...
Francis Rodriguez is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 20, 2015
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