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So happy to see you made it to the Head of the Charles! Your blog followers that are rowers are thrilled to see you are making it to the waterfront activities. Lucky, lucky you, Julie! Try to take an elevator to the top floor of one of the hotels facing the river for a breathtaking view and a completely different perspective of the event and the city in general. One of our local watercolor artists made a spectacular painting from that vantage point. I'll email you a photo of it as soon as I get permission from the artist.
Toggle Commented Oct 30, 2017 on Around Here: October 2017 at Balzer Designs
Thanks for making the video. It is always a good idea to read or watch a review of new products. Julie's Art Yelp!
Describe your favorite stenciling technique? Swirling at the stencil edge is my favorite stenciling technique. Preparing my stencil for the swirling takes some time to tape the edges. I find that using this technique on smaller stencils required great care as the furious and fussy details emerge under my brush. Whether you are creating a galaxy of stars or a meadow of flowers stenciling this deliberate technique creates shapeliness at every edge.
If you own an electronic cutter (of any kind), what do you like about it? I do not own an electronic cutter. If you don't own an electronic cutter, why is that? I am about to move to a new home that is going to have a dedicated studio space. I would look forward to owning an e-cutter in my new space. ScanNCut looks like a perfect fit in for the new space. I wonder how a ScanNCut would change my art in my new space? I also wonder how a ScanNCut would change what I do in the classroom for my job and how the ScanNCut would change what I do within my other hobbies. All of these possibilities with ScanNCut!!!!
Ahhhhh, the envious looks from others must have bombarded you after lunch when you came back with your ScanNCut! Love how the carpet pattern of the room added to the quilt display.
It does look like an A-HA! version of you, Julie. Love the handheld eye monocle. I don't think I've seen a 'real' hand in any of your work before. Stay refreshed and renewed in your new space.
Toggle Commented Feb 1, 2016 on 100 Canvases: Canvas #33 at Balzer Designs
What a beautiful layout for the show. You look GREAT! The artwork is fabulous! Congratulations on another outstanding job.
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2016 on ScanNCut on HSN Recap... at Balzer Designs
Two things I am looking forward to this weekend...cross country skiing & painting. Both are equally important. The basis of all health is and equal balance of physical, social & mental health. A times, most of us forget to tend to the social and mental sides of that health triangle and only focus on our bodies. A healthy mind and healthy social interactions balance our lives. The older I get, the more I learn that creating art is paramount. Reading your blog post filled in the third side quite nicely. Thanks, Julie.
Toggle Commented Jan 23, 2016 on The Art We Made at Canyon Ranch at Balzer Designs
Your handwriting element would have given it away, but there are no faces. After reading your historical art journal journey, your design seems more like a "Retro Julie". Love the flight pattern. Keep on creating, girl. You just brought a bit of sunny spring to this frigid week in Philadelphia area.
A great way to start this cold morning...snuggled under the view of these beautiful pieces of art. Thank you for posting!
Toggle Commented Nov 24, 2015 on Quilt Festival 2015: Part One at Balzer Designs
I see water...if you EVER want to go paddling...canoe, kayak, anything...let me know. No experience necessary. I have the boats and gear of all types. If it's too small, depending are where your new digs are we can go on the Charles River. Best of luck in your new place. Brace for the snow. It will be there sooner than you know!
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Nov 21, 2015