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Christina B
Recent Activity
Thank you so much for this article! As the holidays start, I find it hard not to compare my own experiences with the "perfect" ones my friends seem to be having, or the media portrays. Thank you for reminding me that bringing all my love and joy into everything I do and everyone I'm with during this time is special in its own way. Happy holidays and namaste! :)
A True Thanksgiving Challenge
Happy Thanksgiving Eve! My inbox is filled to the brim with "Black Friday" sale emails, the Tofurky is defrosting, my heart is bursting with more joy than usual -- yep, it's that time of year. It's also the time of year when people feel extra sad and lonely. We seem to have this vision of what t...
Thanks for sharing this! I've actually been looking for some new hair products - Shea Moisture sounds perfect! I'm also definitely going to try out the Alpine boot socks since they look so comfy. Hooray for the holidays! :)
The 2015 Holiday Gift Guide
I've got some serious leaf clearing to do around the house. I've traded my flip flops for boots. The mistletoe has popped on the tree in my backyard. There's a crispness in the air. I've purchased Christmas-themed toys for my two pet birds. All of this goodness translates into one thing -- it's ...
Christina B is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 24, 2015
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